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You don't have to wonder about your living costs for your support calculations!

The Home Budget resource is a key starting point for getting a handle on your finances as you plan for divorce.

Fill out the form below to download the Home Budget resource so you will know exactly how much it costs to live in your house.

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Don't underestimate your living costs, know your finances.

With this budget resource, you'll be able to...

Get Your Real Living Costs

You need to know how much it will cost you to live in the following categories: home, transportation, food, personal, children, and other. My Home Budget resource will help you calculate your living costs.

Make An Informed Plan 

A plan that will arm you with information and enable your attorney to best represent you and your family’s financial needs. I'm here to help you get started on the plan and take the first step, your home costs. 

You'll Be In The Driver's Seat

That's right. When you know your finances, your spouse can't walk all over you or push you around. Take control and take action by building out your budget. 

Meet Tracy

Forensic accountant Tracy Coenen helps women going through messy divorces get better financial settlements.

Tracy will help you figure out the mystery of your family's finances: Understand how much money you have, where it is, and what your family's money has been spent on. You CAN find the money that your husband has hidden.

She is a CPA and forensic accountant who focuses on finding hidden money in divorce cases.

Tracy’s work has been featured on CNBC, CBS, FOX, ABC, and NBC, as well as in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and more.

Get the Home Budget