Finding Hidden Income With a Lifestyle Analysis divorce lifestyle analysis May 03, 2022

You can read about what a lifestyle analysis is here.

A lifestyle analysis can uncover undisclosed income, either through direct or circumstantial evidence. The analysis of the bank and brokerage statements by the forensic accountant may find deposits that are clearly from a source of income that...

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Uncovering Hidden Assets With a Lifestyle Analysis divorce lifestyle analysis Apr 26, 2022

You can read about what a lifestyle analysis is here.

A thorough lifestyle analysis can help discover assets that may have been undisclosed in the divorce. Each and every transaction from the bank, brokerage and credit card accounts must be traced to determine where the funds went. The key to...

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The Divorce Lifestyle Analysis divorce lifestyle analysis Apr 19, 2022

A lifestyle analysis is something done by a divorce financial analyst (like me!) to figure out where the money went. Sometimes I do a lifestyle analysis because we just need to know how much money was spent during the last year or two, and what the money was spent on. Other times I do it because...

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